::class xmlCharacterData public mixinclass xmlNode

CLASS: xmlCharacterData

The CharacterData interface extends xmlNode with a set of attributes and methods for accessing character data in the
DOM. For clarity this set is defined here rather than on each object that uses these attributes and methods. No DOM
objects correspond directly to CharacterData, though Text and others do inherit the interface from it. All offsets in
this interface start from 0.

The following DOES NOT APPLY FOR this ooRexx xmlDOM implementation. Characters are ASCII 8-bit.
As explained in the DOMString interface, text strings in the DOM are represented in UTF-16, i.e. as a sequence of
16-bit units. In the following, the term 16-bit units is used whenever necessary to indicate that indexing on
CharacterData is done in 16-bit units.

Definition at line 1198 of xmlDOM.cls

Public Methods

  appendData (arg)
  data ()
  deleteData (offset, count)
  init (data)
  insertData (offset, string)
  length ()
  replaceData (offset, count, string)
string - The specified substring. If the sum of offset and count exceeds the length, then all characters to the end of the data are returned. substringData (offset, count)

Public Class Methods inherited from xmlNode

number - unique identifier for the new xmlNode getId ()

Public Methods inherited from xmlNode

node - the node appended appendChild (child)
nodes - A xmlNodeList that contains all the children of this node. children ()
node - the duplicated node cloneNode (deep=.false)
number - Position relatively to the reference node compareDocumentPosition (other)
child - The first child of this node firstChild ()
domObject - An object which implements the specialized APIs or .nil getFeature (feature, version)
userdata - the DOMUserData associated, or .nil if there was none getUserData (key)
boolean - .true if this node has any attributes, .false otherwise hasAttributes ()
boolean - .true if this node has any children, .false otherwise hasChildNodes ()
  init ()
node - the node being inserted insertBefore (child, where)
boolean - .true if default, .false otherwise isDefaultNamespace (uri)
boolean - .true if equal, .false otherwise isEqualNode (other)
boolean - .true if the nodes are the same, .false otherwise. isSameNode (other)
boolean - .true if supported on this node, .false otherwise. isSupported (feature, version)
aNode - The last child of this node. lastChild ()
aString - The associated namespaceURI or .nil if none is found. lookupNamespaceURI (prefix)
aString - An associated namespace prefix or .nil if none is found lookupPrefix (uri)
aNode - The node immediately following this node. normalize ()
aNode - The node immediately preceding this node. removeChild (child)
aNode - The node replaced. replaceChild (new, old)
  setReadOnly (attrName, attrValue)
userData - The DOMUserData previously associated to the given key on this node, or null if there was none. setUserData (key, data, handler)
  textContent ()

Public Attributes inherited from xmlNode

no comment
no comment
no comment
no comment
no comment
no comment
no comment
no comment
no comment
no comment
no comment
no comment

Private Class Attributes inherited from xmlNode


Private Methods inherited from xmlNode

  treeWalk (nodes, name, nl)

Private Attributes inherited from xmlNode


Inherited by


Feature Detail

xmlCharacterData::method data

The data contained in a xmlNode

Definition at line 1202 of xmlDOM.cls
Dynamically referenced by
tryxmldom.rex line 277 "say ' '~copies(indent) || node~data"
tryxmldom.rex line 281 "say ' '~copies(indent) || """
tryxmldom.rex line 294 "data = node~data"
tryxmldom.rex line 299 "data = node~data"
xmlDOM.cls line 1207 "return self~data~length"
xmlDOM.cls line 1226 "self~data ||= arg"
xmlDOM.cls line 1236 "self~data = self~data~delStr(offset+1,count)"
xmlDOM.cls line 1236 "self~data = self~data~delStr(offset+1,count)"
xmlDOM.cls line 1245 "if offset>self~data~length | count<0"
xmlDOM.cls line 1247 "self~data = self~data~substr(1,offset) || string || self~data~substr(offset+1)"
xmlDOM.cls line 1247 "self~data = self~data~substr(1,offset) || string || self~data~substr(offset+1)"
xmlDOM.cls line 1247 "self~data = self~data~substr(1,offset) || string || self~data~substr(offset+1)"
xmlDOM.cls line 1260 "if offset<0 | offset>self~data~length | count<0"
xmlDOM.cls line 1262 "self~data = self~data~overlay(string,offset+1,count)"
xmlDOM.cls line 1262 "self~data = self~data~overlay(string,offset+1,count)"
xmlDOM.cls line 1273 "if offset<0 | offset>self~data~length | count<0"
xmlDOM.cls line 1275 "return self~data~substr(offset+1,count)"
xmlDOM.cls line 1393 "if offset+1>self~data~length "
xmlDOM.cls line 1394 "raise user domException additional (.domException~index_size_err) description ("Offset" offset "is larger than length" self~data~length "of text")"
xmlDOM.cls line 1396 "text = self~class~new(self~data~substr(offset+1))"
xmlDOM.cls line 1397 "self~data = self~data~substr(1,offset)"
xmlDOM.cls line 1397 "self~data = self~data~substr(1,offset)"

xmlCharacterData::method length

Definition at line 1206 of xmlDOM.cls
Dynamically referenced by
tryxmldom.rex line 36 "do l=0 to legs~length-1"
tryxmldom.rex line 56 "do s=0 to steps~length-1"
tryxmldom.rex line 98 "do i=0 to copyrights~length-1"
tryxmldom.rex line 101 "text = text~substr(1,text~length-2)"
tryxmldom.rex line 121 "do i=0 to warnings~length-1"
tryxmldom.rex line 124 "if text~length>0 "
tryxmldom.rex line 124 "text = text~substr(1,text~length-2)"
tryxmldom.rex line 245 "do n=0 to nodes~length-1"
tryxmldom.rex line 252 "if node~attributes~length>0 "
tryxmldom.rex line 264 "if attributes~length>0 "
tryxmldom.rex line 265 "if node~childNodes~length>0 "
xmlDOM.cls line 570 "if (self~childNodes~length>0) "
xmlDOM.cls line 634 "do i=0 to self~childNodes~length-1"
xmlDOM.cls line 875 "do n=0 to nodes~length-1"
xmlDOM.cls line 882 "if nodes~item(n)~childNodes~length>0 "
xmlDOM.cls line 1207 "return self~data~length"
xmlDOM.cls line 1245 "if offset>self~data~length | count<0"
xmlDOM.cls line 1260 "if offset<0 | offset>self~data~length | count<0"
xmlDOM.cls line 1273 "if offset<0 | offset>self~data~length | count<0"
xmlDOM.cls line 1334 "do s=0 to siblings~length-1"
xmlDOM.cls line 1393 "if offset+1>self~data~length "
xmlDOM.cls line 1394 "raise user domException additional (.domException~index_size_err) description ("Offset" offset "is larger than length" self~data~length "of text")"
xmlDOM.cls line 1591 "do n=0 to nodes~length-1"
xmlDOM.cls line 1600 "if node~childNodes~length>0 "
xmlDOM.cls line 2436 "do n=0 to nodes~length-1"
xmlDOM.cls line 2445 "if (node~childNodes~length>0) "

xmlCharacterData::method init

xmlCharacterData instance constructor

data - The character data

Definition at line 1212 of xmlDOM.cls

xmlCharacterData::method appendData

Append the string to the end of the character data. Upon success, data and length reflect the change.

arg - The data to be appended

Definition at line 1223 of xmlDOM.cls

xmlCharacterData::method deleteData

Remove a range of characters from the node. Upon success, data and length reflect the change.

offset - The index(base 0) where to start deleting data
count - The number of characters to delete

Definition at line 1234 of xmlDOM.cls

xmlCharacterData::method insertData

Insert a string at the specified offset.

offset - The index where to start inserting data
string - The character data to insert

Definition at line 1243 of xmlDOM.cls

xmlCharacterData::method replaceData

Replace the characters starting at the specified offset with the specified string.

If the sum of offset and count exceeds length, then all data to the end of the data are replaced; (i.e., the effect is
the same as a remove method call with the same range, followed by an append method invocation).

offset - The offset from which to start replacing.
count - The number of characters to replace.
string - The string with which the range must be replaced.

Definition at line 1258 of xmlDOM.cls

xmlCharacterData::method substringData

Extracts a range of data from the node.

offset - The index where to start retrieving data
count - The number of characters to retrieve
string - The specified substring. If the sum of offset and count exceeds the length, then all characters to the end of the data are returned.

Definition at line 1271 of xmlDOM.cls

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Generated on 30 Jul 2015 13:56:51 for xmlDOM for OOrexx by rexxliterate  0.0.1