Read Me - Common Public License V1.0 - Copyright Notice(©)


                         +-option-+  +-,--+-------+--+---------+-+
                                          +-start-+  +-,length-+

Returns a number that, by default, indicates whether the receiving buffer is composed only of characters from [reference] . It returns 0 if all characters in the receiving buffer are in [reference] or returns the position of the first character in the receiving buffer not in [reference] .

The [option] can be either Nomatch (the default) or Match. (You need to specify only the first capitalized and highlighted letter; all characters following the first character are ignored, which can be in uppercase or lowercase.)

If you specify Match, the method returns the position of the first character in the receiving buffer that is in [reference] , or returns 0 if none of the characters are found.

The default for [start] is 1. Thus, the search starts at the first character of the receiving buffer. You can override this by specifying a different [start] point, which must be a positive whole number.

The default for [length] is the length of the buffer from [start] to the end of the buffer. Thus, the search proceeds to the end of the receiving buffer. You can override this by specifying a different [length] , which must be a non-negative whole number.

If the receiving string is null, the method returns 0, regardless of the value of the [option] . Similarly, if [start] is greater than receiving_buffer~length, the method returns 0. If [reference] is null, the method returns 0 if you specify Match. Otherwise, the method returns the [start] value.

Class MUTABLEBUGGER - verify method

.mutablebuffer~new('123')~verify('1234567890')             ->    0
.mutablebuffer~new('1Z3')~verify('1234567890')             ->    2
.mutablebuffer~new('AB4T')~verify('1234567890')            ->    1
.mutablebuffer~new('AB4T')~verify('1234567890','M')        ->    3
.mutablebuffer~new('AB4T')~verify('1234567890','N')        ->    1
.mutablebuffer~new('1P3Q4')~verify('1234567890', ,3)       ->    4
.mutablebuffer~new('123')~verify("",N,2)                   ->    2
.mutablebuffer~new('ABCDE')~verify("", ,3)                 ->    3
.mutablebuffer~new('AB3CD5')~verify('1234567890','M',4)    ->    6
.mutablebuffer~new('ABCDEF')~verify('ABC',"N",2,3)         ->    4
.mutablebuffer~new('ABCDEF')~verify('ADEF',"M",2,3)        ->    4

Read Me - Common Public License V1.0 - Copyright Notice(©)