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lastModified (Attribute)



[lastModified get:]

Returns the last modified date of the file/directory denoted by the absolute path of the receiver object. The result is a DateTime object, or .nil in case of error.

[lastModified set:]

Sets the last modified date of the file/directory denoted by the absolute path of the receiver object.

The [date] parameter is a DateTime object.


Class FILE - lastModified method

    /* On Windows */
    say .File~new("C:\Program Files")~lastModified~class    -- The DateTime class
    say .File~new("C:\Program Files")~lastModified          -- 2010-11-01T19:14:49.000000
    say .File~new("dummy")~lastModified                     -- The NIL object

    /* A possible implementation of : touch -c -m -r referenceFile file
       -c, --no-create             do not create any files
       -m                          change only the modification time
       -r, --reference=FILE        use this file's time instead of current time
    parse arg referenceFilePath filePath .
    file = .File~new(filePath)
    if \ file~exists then return 0 -- OK, not an error
    referenceFile = .File~new(referenceFilePath)
    referenceDate = referenceFile~lastModified
    if referenceDate == .nil then return 1 -- KO
    file~lastModified = referenceDate
    return 0 -- OK

Read Me - Common Public License V1.0 - Copyright Notice(©)