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Here are some (mostly oo)Rexx widgets/programs that are being written and/or used by me.

I have been using all programs in a personal manner under Windows 7. Some (‘filter.orx’, ‘distance.orx’ and ‘json.cls’(not written by me)) are older and I use/used them under Linux too. The newer ones might run on earlier ooRexx versions than the current one, but will run on the current version(4.2.0). Some require 5.0.0 (beta) and will specify that requirement.

Most programs have comments at the beginning explaining their usage; none of them, I think, has explanation when invoked with ? /? -? /h -h or similar methods to obtain some help, except, perhaps, ‘filter.orx’.

If you don't like the filetype extensions used, you can, of course, change them to your own liking without compromising their functionality.

To download right-click the name under the Name column and use Save (link/target/file) as ...

rgb2hsl.rex A classic rex script to convert a RGB(red, green, blue) colour specification to HSL(hue, saturation, lightness). Argument and return value are 3-word strings representing the values for the argument string or the return string. show
hsl2rgb.rex A classic rex script to convert a HSL(hue, saturation, lightness) colour specification to RGB(red,green,blue). Argument and return value are 3-word strings representing the values for the argument string or the return string. show
caselessStringTable.cls A .stringTable subclass supporting caseless .string indexes in upper-, lower- or mixed-case and treat them as equal when processing. show
number.cls An exercise in subclassing .String class for numbers only. It's usefullnes may be debatable, but here it is anyway. show
distance.orx Calculates the total distance (in Km) over (a series) of successive latitude/longitude (e.g. 52.254001) pairs in classic Rexx. Can be used interactively from a terminal/console window or in a pipe. show
geoloc.cls An ooRexx class that defines locations and paths along those locations by their latitude and longitude in Google Earth/Maps notation. Distance between locations and along a path can be calculated. Requires 5.0.0-Beta or later in combination with usegeoloc.orx below. show
usegeoloc.orx An ooRexx program demonstrating the use of the geoLoc class. Also requires the use of:
  • json.cls -- shipped with ooRexx
  • curl -- download from curl.haxx.se if necessary
nominatim_latlon_from_address.orx Retrieves an address in a format such as 1600, Pennsylvania Avenue, Wash.... from a latitude/longitude pair. Requires ‘json.cls’ and ‘curl’ (from curl.haxx.se). Also needs ooRexx 5.0.0 or later. show
nominatim_address_from_latlon.orx Retrieves a latitude/longitude pair in decimal degrees, (e.g. 48.341673 4.148735) from a given address such as 10 Downingstreet London. Requires ‘json.cls’ and ‘curl’ (from curl.haxx.se). Also needs ooRexx 5.0.0 or later. show
decodeGString.orx Decodes a Google Maps encoded PolyLine string into a (series of) decimal latitude/longitude pair(s). Can be invoked from the command line, as a stage within a pipe, or as a function. show
encodeGString.orx Encodes a (series of) decimal latitude/longitude pair(s) into a Google Maps encoded Polyline string. Can be invoked from the command line, as a stage within a pipe, or as a function. show
filter.orx A generalised pipe stage filter. Suitable for ooRexx and Regina show
gtif2hgt.orx Converts an ASTER GDEM geoTiff elevation file (30x30 meters approximately) to a SRTM (NASA) type 'hgt' file. show
gpx.cls A rudimentary class demonstrating the use of the "restrictable" class above. Also requires "geoloc.cls" above. show
streamclient.cls Enables to redirect "standard" streams(e.g. STDOUT, STDERR, but also .TRACEOUTPUT) to a new terminal window in cooperation with "streamserver.orx" below. Also requires David Ashley's "streamsocket.cls" shipped as part of the ooRexx package. show
streamserver.orx Enables to redirect "standard" streams(e.g. STDOUT, STDERR, but also .TRACEOUTPUT) to a new terminal window in cooperation with "streamclient.cls" above. "streamserver.orx" is a slightly modified version of David Ruggles' "scserver.rex" shipped with ooRexx in the samples directory. show
eventable.cls A "mixin" class supporting events and event handlers/listeners. show
md5.cls A class implementing a transient MD5 digest calculation. show
usemd5.orx An example demonstrating the use of "md5.cls". show
exebitness.orx Checks the bitness of a Windows executable (EXE or DLL). show
omdbcurl.orx Shows how to interface with the OMDB movie database.Requires ooRexx 5.0.0.beta show
This web page shamelessly copied from Mike Cowlishaw; if you feel inclined to make corrections, suggestions etc., please mail me any.
All content © Ruurd Idenburg, 2007–2024, except where marked otherwise. All rights reserved. This page is primarily for non-commercial use only. The Idenburg website records no personal information and sets no ‘cookies’. This site is hosted on a VPS(Virtual Private System) rented from Transip NL, a Dutch company, falling under Dutch (privacy) laws (I think).

This page updated on Sun, 20 Oct 2024 21:55:17 +0200 by Ruurd Idenburg.