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../code/tripplan.orx/var/www/html/ooRexx/wip -- stdout and trace output will go to a separate window prevTrace = .traceoutput~destination(.streamclient~new("localhost",726578))~~open(.context~name "- ooRexx Trace Output") prevOut = .output~destination(.streamclient~new("localhost",726576))~~open(.context~name "- ooRexx Standard Output") -- let's start in Rotterdam and go to Dublin planner = .planner~new planner~from = .location~new("From","Rotterdam") say 1 planner~route?~makeString('L','-') trace i planner~to = .location~new("To","Dublin") say 2 planner~route?~makeString('L','-') -- add listeners for city changes for "from" and "to" planner~from~addEventListener(address_changed,planner) planner~to~addEventListener(address_changed,planner) --say "Enter departure address:" --parse pull fromAddress --planner~from = fromAddress -- on second thought begin in Amsterdam planner~from~address = "Amsterdam" say 3 planner~route?~makeString('L','-') trace o --say "Enter destination address:" --parse pull toAddress --planner~to = toAddress -- and end in Rome planner~to~address = "Rome" say 4 planner~route?~makeString('L','-') -- add listener for added midway city planner~via~addEventListener(via_appended,planner) -- with a stopover at Oslo index = planner~via~append(.location~new("Via_"planner~via~items+1,"Oslo")) say 5 planner~route?~makeString('L','-') -- add listener for changed city of a midway location planner~via[index]~addEventListener(address_changed,planner) -- or rather Barcelona instead of Oslo planner~via[index]~address = "Barcelona" say 6 planner~route?~makeString('L','-') -- and Palermo after Barcelona via = .location~new via~objectname = "Via"planner~via~items+1 via~addEventListener(address_changed,planner) planner~via~append(via) via~address = "Palermo" say 7 planner~route?~makeString('L','-') exit ::class planner public ::method init expose via via = .via~new ::attribute from get ::attribute from set expose from use arg from self~plan ::attribute to get ::attribute to set expose to use arg to self~plan ::attribute via get ::attribute via set private ::method plan expose from to via route --trace i route = .array~new if from~isA(.location) then do route~append(from~address) end if via~isA(.array) then do v over via route~append(v~address) end if to~isA(.location) then do route~append(to~address) end ::method route? expose route return route ::method address_changed self~plan return .false -- in case there are more event handlers/listeners waiting ::method via_appended say arg(1,'A')~makeString('L',',') self~via~makeString self~plan return .false ::class location public inherit eventable ::attribute address get ::attribute address set expose address --trace i use arg address self~triggerEvent(address_changed,.array~of(arg1,arg2)) return .false ::method init --trace i self~init:super use strict arg name=.nil, address=.nil if (name\==.nil) then self~objectname = name if (address\==.nil) then self~address = address self~events[address_changed] = .array~new ::class via subclass array inherit eventable ::method init self~init:super(via_appended) --self~events[via_appended] = .array~new ::method append use strict arg item --trace i index = self~append:super(item) say self[index] item self~triggerEvent(via_appended,.array~of(self[index])) return index ::requires 'eventable.cls' ::requires 'streamclient.cls'
If you feel inclined to make corrections, suggestions etc., please mail me any.
All content © Ruurd Idenburg, 2007–, except where marked otherwise. All rights reserved. This page is primarily for non-commercial use only. The Idenburg website records no personal information and sets no ‘cookies’. This site is hosted on a VPS(Virtual Private System) rented from Transip.nl, a Dutch company, falling under Dutch (privacy) laws (I think).

This page updated on by Ruurd Idenburg.