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../code/json.cls/var/www/html/ooRexx/wip /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* To and from ooRexx to JSON and vice versa */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* */ /* Originally by Brandon Cherry */ /* */ /* Via discussion here: */ /* https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/comp.lang.rexx/e8cZJEkAzcs/discussion */ /* */ /* Copied from: */ /* http://learning.safedataisp.net/ajax/json.cls */ /* */ /* Please keep this comment block intact when modifying this code */ /* and add a note with date and a description. */ /* */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* 2011/12/31 - Or so copied from above site - Ruurd J. Idenburg */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ ::class json public /* RFC 4627 */ /** * Initilizes the class */ ::method init expose eJS uJS whitespace ctrl eJS = .directory~new() -- escape Javascript eJS['08'x] = '\b' eJS['09'x] = '\t' eJS['0A'x] = '\n' eJS['0C'x] = '\f' eJS['0D'x] = '\r' eJS['"'] = '\"' eJS['\'] = '\\' eJS['/'] = '\/' uJS = .directory~new() -- unescape Javascript do index over eJS uJS[eJS[index]] = index end whitespace = .set~new() -- allowed whitespace chars whitespace[] = '09'x whitespace[] = '0A'x whitespace[] = '0D'x whitespace[] = ' ' ctrl = whitespace~copy() -- chars that end a value ctrl[] = '}' ctrl[] = ']' ctrl[] = ',' /** * Converts a rexx object to JSON formatting to pass to eval() * * @param rexxObject The object to converts directory, array, * or string objects. Otherwise, it calls * the makearray method for the object. */ ::method toJSON expose buffer use arg rexxObject buffer = .mutablebuffer~new() self~parseRexxObject(rexxObject) return buffer~string ::method parseRexxObject private expose buffer use arg rexxObject select when .array~id == rexxObject~class~id then do self~parseRexxArray(rexxObject) end when .directory~id == rexxObject~class~id then do self~parseRexxDirectory(rexxObject) end when .string~id == rexxObject~class~id then do self~parseRexxString(rexxObject) end when .nil == rexxObject then do buffer~append('null') end otherwise if rexxObject~hasMethod('makearray') then do self~parseRexxObject(rexxObject~makearray()) end else buffer~append('null') end ::method parseRexxArray private expose buffer use arg rexxObject buffer~append('[') if rexxObject~items() == 0 then buffer~append(']') else do do item over rexxObject self~parseRexxObject(item) buffer~append(',') end buffer~overlay(']', buffer~length) end ::method parseRexxDirectory private expose buffer use arg rexxObject buffer~append('{') if rexxObject~items == 0 then buffer~append('}') else do do index over rexxObject -- index in JSON must be a quoted string if .string~id == index~class~id then self~parseRexxString(index, .true) else buffer~append('"'index~class'"') buffer~append(':') self~parseRexxObject(rexxObject[index]) buffer~append(',') end buffer~overlay('}', buffer~length) end ::method parseRexxString private expose buffer eJS use arg rexxObject if rexxObject~length == 0 then buffer~append('""') else do if rexxObject~dataType('n') then do if arg(2, 'e') then buffer~append('"'rexxObject'"') else buffer~append(rexxObject) end else do buffer~append('"') do i = 1 to rexxObject~length char = rexxObject~substr(i, 1) if eJS~hasIndex(char) then buffer~append(eJS[char]) else buffer~append(char) end buffer~append('"') end end /** * Recursively converts a json string to rexx objects * * @param jsonString A json string. */ ::method fromJSON expose jsonString jsonPos jsonStringLength signal on user parseError use arg jsonString jsonPos = 1 jsonStringLength = jsonString~length self~trimLeadingWhitespace() rexxObject = self~parseJSONvalue() if jsonPos >= jsonStringLength then return rexxObject else do self~trimLeadingWhitespace() if jsonPos >= jsonStringLength then return rexxObject message = 'Expected end of input' signal extraChars end return .nil parseError: c = condition('o') message = c['ADDITIONAL'][1] extraChars: raise syntax 3.900 array(message 'at' jsonString~substr(jsonPos, 25)) return .nil /** * Determines type of value. * */ ::method parseJSONvalue private expose jsonString jsonPos signal on user parseError parse value jsonString with =(jsonPos) char +1 select when char == '{' then do jsonPos = jsonPos + 1 return self~parseJSONobject() end when char == '[' then do jsonPos = jsonPos + 1 return self~parseJSONarray() end when char == '"' then do jsonPos = jsonPos + 1 return self~parseJSONstring() end otherwise return self~parseJSONother() end return parseError: raise propagate /** * Converts a json object into a rexx directory object. * */ ::method parseJSONobject private expose jsonString jsonPos signal on user parseError rexxDirectory = .directory~new() parse value jsonString with =(jsonPos) char +1 if char == '}' then do jsonPos = jsonPos + 1 return rexxDirectory end else self~parseJSONobjectValue(rexxDirectory) do forever self~trimLeadingWhitespace() parse value jsonString with =(jsonPos) char +1 select when char == '}' then do jsonPos = jsonPos + 1 return rexxDirectory end when char == ',' then do jsonPos = jsonPos + 1 self~parseJSONobjectValue(rexxDirectory) end otherwise raise user parseError array('Expected end of an object or new value') end end return parseError: raise propagate /** * Converts json name:value pairs into a rexx directory item@index. * * @param rexxDirectory A rexx directory object. */ ::method parseJSONobjectValue private expose jsonString jsonPos signal on user parseError use arg rexxDirectory self~trimLeadingWhitespace() parse value jsonString with =(jsonPos) char +1 if char == '"' then do jsonPos = jsonPos + 1 index = self~parseJSONstring() end else raise user parseError array('Name must be a quoted string') self~trimLeadingWhitespace() parse value jsonString with =(jsonPos) char +1 if char == ':' then do jsonPos = jsonPos + 1 self~trimLeadingWhitespace() rexxDirectory[index] = self~parseJSONvalue() end else raise user parseError array('Expected colon separating object name and value') return parseError: raise propagate /** * Converts a json array into a rexx array object. * */ ::method parseJSONarray private expose jsonString jsonPos signal on user parseError rexxArray = .array~new() parse value jsonString with =(jsonPos) char +1 if char == ']' then do jsonPos = jsonPos + 1 return rexxArray end else self~parseJSONarrayValue(rexxArray) do forever self~trimLeadingWhitespace() parse value jsonString with =(jsonPos) char +1 select when char == ']' then do jsonPos = jsonPos + 1 return rexxArray end when char == ',' then do jsonPos = jsonPos + 1 self~parseJSONarrayValue(rexxArray) end otherwise raise user parseError array('Expected end of an array or new value') end end return parseError: raise propagate /** * Converts a json array values into rexx array items. * * @param rexxArray A rexx array object. */ ::method parseJSONarrayValue private expose jsonString signal on user parseError use arg rexxArray self~trimLeadingWhitespace() index = rexxArray~last if .nil == index then index = 0 rexxArray[index + 1] = self~parseJSONvalue() return parseError: raise propagate /** * Converts a quoted json string into a rexx string object. * */ ::method parseJSONstring private expose jsonString uJS jsonPos jsonStringLength signal on user parseError rexxString = .mutablebuffer~new() do forever parse value jsonString with =(jsonPos) char +1 if char == '\' then do parse value jsonString with =(jsonPos) char2 +2 if uJS~hasIndex(char2) then do jsonPos = jsonPos + 2 rexxString~append(uJS[char2]) end else do jsonPos = jsonPos + 1 rexxString~append(char) end end else do jsonPos = jsonPos + 1 if char == '"' then return rexxString~string else rexxString~append(char) end if jsonPos >= jsonStringLength then raise user parseError array('Expected end of a quoted string') end return parseError: raise propagate /** * Converts other json types into rexx objects. * */ ::method parseJSONother private expose jsonString ctrl jsonPos jsonStringLength signal on user parseError length = jsonStringLength + 1 do i = jsonPos while i \== length parse value jsonString with =(i) char +1 if ctrl~hasIndex(char) then leave end parse value jsonString with =(jsonPos) string +(i - jsonPos) if string~datatype('n') then do jsonPos = jsonPos + string~length return string end else do select when string == 'false' then do jsonPos = jsonPos + string~length return .false end when string == 'true' then do jsonPos = jsonPos + string~length return .true end when string == 'null' then do jsonPos = jsonPos + string~length return .nil end otherwise nop end end raise user parseError array('Invalid JSON value') return parseError: raise propagate /** * Removes allowed whitespace between values. * */ ::method trimLeadingWhitespace private expose jsonString whitespace jsonPos jsonStringLength do while jsonPos \== jsonStringLength parse value jsonString with =(jsonPos) char +1 if whitespace~hasIndex(char) then jsonPos = jsonPos + 1 else leave end
If you feel inclined to make corrections, suggestions etc., please mail me any.
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This page updated on by Ruurd Idenburg.