::class xmlDocumentType public subclass xmlNode

CLASS: xmlDocumentType

Information about the notations and entities declared by a document (including the external subset if the parser uses
it and can provide the information) is available from a xmlDocumentType object. The xmlDocumentType for a document is
available from the xmlDocument object’s doctype attribute; if there is no DOCTYPE declaration for the document, the
document’s doctype attribute will be set to .nil instead of an instance of this interface.

xmlDocumentType is a subclass (precisation) of xmlNode, and adds the following attributes:

DOM Level 3 doesn't support editing DocumentType nodes. DocumentType nodes are read-only.

Definition at line 1514 of xmlDOM.cls

Public Methods

  init (name, publicId, systemId)

Public Attributes

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Public Class Methods inherited from xmlNode

number - unique identifier for the new xmlNode getId ()

Public Methods inherited from xmlNode

node - the node appended appendChild (child)
nodes - A xmlNodeList that contains all the children of this node. children ()
node - the duplicated node cloneNode (deep=.false)
number - Position relatively to the reference node compareDocumentPosition (other)
child - The first child of this node firstChild ()
domObject - An object which implements the specialized APIs or .nil getFeature (feature, version)
userdata - the DOMUserData associated, or .nil if there was none getUserData (key)
boolean - .true if this node has any attributes, .false otherwise hasAttributes ()
boolean - .true if this node has any children, .false otherwise hasChildNodes ()
  init ()
node - the node being inserted insertBefore (child, where)
boolean - .true if default, .false otherwise isDefaultNamespace (uri)
boolean - .true if equal, .false otherwise isEqualNode (other)
boolean - .true if the nodes are the same, .false otherwise. isSameNode (other)
boolean - .true if supported on this node, .false otherwise. isSupported (feature, version)
aNode - The last child of this node. lastChild ()
aString - The associated namespaceURI or .nil if none is found. lookupNamespaceURI (prefix)
aString - An associated namespace prefix or .nil if none is found lookupPrefix (uri)
aNode - The node immediately following this node. normalize ()
aNode - The node immediately preceding this node. removeChild (child)
aNode - The node replaced. replaceChild (new, old)
  setReadOnly (attrName, attrValue)
userData - The DOMUserData previously associated to the given key on this node, or null if there was none. setUserData (key, data, handler)
  textContent ()

Public Attributes inherited from xmlNode

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Private Class Attributes inherited from xmlNode


Private Methods inherited from xmlNode

  treeWalk (nodes, name, nl)

Private Attributes inherited from xmlNode


Feature Detail

xmlDocumentType::attribute entities get

Entities is a xmlNamedNodeMap containing the general entities, both external and internal, declared in the DTD.
Parameter entities are not contained. Every node in this map also implements the Entity interface.
The DOM Level 2 does not support editing entities, therefore entities cannot be altered in any way.

Definition at line 1520 of xmlDOM.cls
Dynamically referenced by
xmlDOM.cls line 1564 "self~entities = .NamedNodeMap~new"

xmlDocumentType::attribute entities set
Definition at line 1521 of xmlDOM.cls

xmlDocumentType::attribute internalSubset get

The internal subset as a string, or .nil if there is none. This does not contain the delimiting square
NOTE, - The actual content returned depends on how much information is available to the implementation.
This may vary depending on various parameters, including the XML processor used to build the document.

Definition at line 1528 of xmlDOM.cls
Dynamically referenced by
xmlDOM.cls line 1566 "self~internalSubset = .nil"

xmlDocumentType::attribute internalSubset set
Definition at line 1529 of xmlDOM.cls

xmlDocumentType::attribute name get

The name of DTD; i.e., the name immediately following the DOCTYPE keyword.

Definition at line 1533 of xmlDOM.cls
Dynamically referenced by
tryxmldom.rex line 255 "attrName = attrDir[i]~name"
xmlDOM.cls line 1946 "raise user domException additional (.domException~wrong_document_err) description ("Attribute" newAttr~name "is owned by another document")"
xmlDOM.cls line 2272 "attr~name = qualifiedName"

xmlDocumentType::attribute name set
Definition at line 1534 of xmlDOM.cls
Dynamically referenced by
tryxmldom.rex line 255 "attrName = attrDir[i]~name"
xmlDOM.cls line 1946 "raise user domException additional (.domException~wrong_document_err) description ("Attribute" newAttr~name "is owned by another document")"
xmlDOM.cls line 2272 "attr~name = qualifiedName"

xmlDocumentType::attribute notations get

Notations is xmlNamedNodeMap containing the notations declared in the DTD. Duplicates are discarded. Every node in
this map also implements the xmlNotation interface.
The DOM Level 2 does not support editing notations, therefore notations cannot be altered in any way.

Definition at line 1540 of xmlDOM.cls
Dynamically referenced by
xmlDOM.cls line 1565 "self~notations = .NamedNodeMap~new"

xmlDocumentType::attribute notations set
Definition at line 1541 of xmlDOM.cls

xmlDocumentType::attribute publicId get

The public identifier of the external subset.

Definition at line 1545 of xmlDOM.cls
Dynamically referenced by
xmlDOM.cls line 1562 "self~publicId = publicId"

xmlDocumentType::attribute publicId set
Definition at line 1546 of xmlDOM.cls

xmlDocumentType::attribute systemId get

The system identifier of the external subset. This may be an absolute URI or not.

Definition at line 1550 of xmlDOM.cls
Dynamically referenced by
xmlDOM.cls line 1563 "self~systemId = systemId"

xmlDocumentType::attribute systemId set
Definition at line 1551 of xmlDOM.cls

xmlDocumentType::method init

xmlDocumentType instance constructor.

name - The qualified name of the document (e.g. 'gpx'), is equal to the root tagName.
publicId - The public identifier of this document type (e.g. '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN').
systemId - The system identifier for the docType (e.g. 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd').

Definition at line 1558 of xmlDOM.cls

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Generated on 30 Jul 2015 13:56:56 for xmlDOM for OOrexx by rexxliterate  0.0.1