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Returns a string, in character format, that represents the receiving string, which is a string of hexadecimal characters converted to binary. The receiving string can be of any length. Each hexadecimal character is converted to a string of 4 binary digits. The receiving string can optionally include whitespace characters (at byte boundaries only, not leading or trailing) to improve readability; they are ignored.

The returned string has a length that is a multiple of four, and does not include any whitespace.

If the receiving string is null, the method returns a null string.

String class - x2b method

"C3"~x2b        ->  "11000011"
"7"~x2b         ->  "0111"
"1 C1"~x2b      ->  "000111000001"

You can combine [x2b] with the methods [d2x] and [c2x] to convert numbers or character strings into binary form.

String class - x2b method with c2x

"C3"x~c2x~x2b  ->  "11000011"
"129"~d2x~x2b  ->  "10000001"
"12"~d2x~x2b   ->  "1100"

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