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Returns NUM if you specify no argument and the receiving string is a valid Rexx number that can be added to 0 without error. It returns CHAR if the receiving string is not a valid number.

If you specify [type] , it returns 1 if the receiving string matches the type. Otherwise, it returns 0. If the receiving string is null, the method returns 0 (except when the [type] is X or B, for which [dataType] returns 1 for a null string). The following are valid [type] s. You need to specify only the capitalized letter, or the number of the last type listed. The language processor ignores all characters surrounding it.


returns 1 if the receiving string contains only characters from the ranges a-z, A-Z, and 0-9.


returns 1 if the receiving string contains only the characters 0 or 1, or whitespace. Whitespace characters can appear only between groups of 4 binary characters. It also returns 1 if string is a null string, which is a valid binary string.


returns 1 if the receiving string contains only characters from the range a-z.

Mixed case

returns 1 if the receiving string contains only characters from the ranges a-z and A-Z.


returns 1 if receiving_string~dataType returns NUM.


returns 1 if the receiving string is exactly "0" or "1". Otherwise it returns 0.


returns 1 if the receiving string is a valid symbol, that is, if SYMBOL(string) does not return BAD. (See .) Note that both uppercase and lowercase alphabetic characters are permitted.


returns 1 if the receiving string contains only characters from the range A-Z.


returns 1 if the receiving string could appear on the left-hand side of an assignment without causing a SYNTAX condition.

Whole number

returns 1 if the receiving string is a whole number under the current setting of NUMERIC DIGITS.


returns 1 if the receiving string contains only characters from the ranges a-f, A-F, 0-9, and whitespace characters (as long as whitespace characters appear only between pairs of hexadecimal characters). Also returns 1 if the receiving string is a null string.

9 Digits

returns 1 if receiving_string~dataType("W") returns 1 when NUMERIC DIGITS is set to 9.

String class - datatype method

" 12 "~dataType          ->   "NUM"
""~dataType              ->   "CHAR"
"123*"~dataType          ->   "CHAR"
"12.3"~dataType("N")     ->    1
"12.3"~dataType("W")     ->    0
"Fred"~dataType("M")     ->    1
""~dataType("M")         ->    0
"Fred"~dataType("L")     ->    0
"?20K"~dataType("s")     ->    1
"BCd3"~dataType("X")     ->    1
"BC d3"~dataType("X")    ->    1
"1"~dataType("O")        ->    1
"11"~dataType("O")        ->   0


The [dataType] method tests the meaning or type of characters in a string, independent of the encoding of those characters (for example, ASCII or EBCDIC).

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