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Returns a string, in character format, that represents the receiving string, a decimal number converted to hexadecimal. The returned string uses uppercase alphabetic characters for the values A-F and does not include whitespace.

The receiving string must not have more digits than the current setting of NUMERIC DIGITS.

If you specify [n] , it is the length of the final result in characters. After conversion the returned string is sign-extended to the required length. If the number is too big to fit into [n] characters, it is truncated on the left. If you specify [n] , it must be a positive whole number or zero.

If you omit [n] , the receiving string must be a positive whole number or zero, and the returned result has no leading zeros.

String class - d2x method

"9"~d2x        ->    "9"
"129"~d2x      ->    "81"
"129"~d2x(1)   ->    "1"
"129"~d2x(2)   ->    "81"
"129"~d2x(4)   ->    "0081"
"257"~d2x(2)   ->    "01"
"-127"~d2x(2)  ->    "81"
"-127"~d2x(4)  ->    "FF81"
"12"~d2x(0)    ->    ""

Implementation maximum: The returned string must not have more than 500 significant hexadecimal characters, although a longer result is possible if it has additional leading sign characters (0 and F).

Read Me - Common Public License V1.0 - Copyright Notice(©)