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   +-centre(-+        +-,--pad-+

Returns a string of length [length] with the receiving string centered in it. The [pad] characters are added as necessary to make up length. The [length] must be a positive whole number or zero. The default [pad] character is blank. If the receiving string is longer than [length] , it is truncated at both ends to fit. If an odd number of characters are truncated or added, the right-hand end loses or gains one more character than the left-hand end.


To avoid errors because of the difference between British and American spellings, this method can be called either [center] or [centre].

String class - center method

abc~center(7)               ->    "  ABC  "
abc~CENTER(8,"-")           ->    "--ABC---"
"The blue sky"~centre(8)    ->    "e blue s"
"The blue sky"~centre(7)    ->    "e blue "

Read Me - Common Public License V1.0 - Copyright Notice(©)