All strict comparison operations have one of the characters doubled that define the operator. The Orderable strict comparison operators produce the same results as the non-strict comparisons.

The strict comparison operators you can use in a message are:

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Comparison Methods


Returns 1 (true) or 0 (false), the result of performing the specified comparison operation. The receiver object and the [argument] are the terms compared.

The comparison operators you can use in a message are:

= = methodof Orderable class method=of Orderable class True if the terms are equal
\=, ><, <> >< methodof Orderable class >< methodof Orderable class <> methodof Orderable class method\=of Orderable class method><of Orderable class method<>of Orderable class True if the terms are not equal (inverse of =)
> > method method> Greater than
< < method method< Less than
>= >= method method>= Greater than or equal to
\< \< method method\< Not less than
<= <= method method<= Less than or equal to
\> \> method method\> Not greater than
== == methodof Orderable class method==of Orderable class True if terms are strictly equal
\== \== method method\==of Orderable class True if the terms are NOT strictly equal (inverse of ==)
>> >> method method>> Strictly greater than
<< << method method<< Strictly less than
>>= >>= method method>>= Strictly greater than or equal to
\<< \<< method method\<< Strictly NOT less than
<<= <<= method method<<= Strictly less than or equal to
\>> \>> method method\>> Strictly NOT greater than

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